REALIZATION: The Japan Foundation, São Paulo | BUNKYO
REPORT LAYOUT (Graphic Designer)
REPORT LAYOUT (Graphic Designer)

The project is an initiative to train new facilitators who will be a bridge between Japan and Brazil, addressing issues common to both countries. For this first edition of Bamboo: revitalizing a community, we worked with the theme sustainability and social design, to raise awareness of the importance of preserving the environment and revitalizing local communities. Thus, a partnership was made with the Bamboo Project/UNESP, which has already been developing a work with a group of artisans from the Horto Aimorés Settlement, the Associação Agroecológica Viverde. The training process of this group of artisans in the bamboo production chain and in the making of products and constructions has been going on for years, but there are still problems in the system used, which prevents them from becoming fully independent.
Therefore, 12 young people from different areas, from the regions of São Paulo, Sorocaba and Bauru, were selected to become new facilitators and to present new ideas on the use of bamboo, which will make the association's project progress again, based on the realities of this community and on the vision of their own expertise.
The project was divided into a theory and practical part. The theory part was designed in a way that was constructive to the 12 young facilitators, so that the participants first learned about the reality of the project developed with the community (technical visit), about the potential of bamboo in various areas (mini-lectures on the use of bamboo), and with this basis, held discussions and presented new project ideas for this community (conversation circle).
The practical part was the realization of a workshop of bamboo lanterns, taught by our guest from Japan, the expert Kenshi Mishiro, of the company CHIKAKEN, and at the end, a Bamboo Lantern Festival was held, in which the pieces made during the workshop were exhibited. Our guest from Japan, bamboo culture researcher Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, gave a talk on the "Diversity of Bamboo Use".