Illustration | Design
Production of a series of postcards with the theme Japanese Urban Legends. The images were mixed digital illustrations with photos.

Slit-Mouthed Woman (口ざけ女, Kuchisake Onna)
A boy, on his way back from school, was questioned by the woman dressed in a red sweater and a mask over her mouth:
- Am I pretty?
This girl was wearing a mask on her mouth and appeared to be pretty, so the boy replied:
- Yes, you are pretty
Then the girl took off her mask and said:
- Even so!
The girl behind the mask hid a huge mouth from ear to ear, and took out a sickle that she hid inside her coat. The boy was startled and tried to run away, but she was running with an impressive speed that caught up with him quickly. He was terrified, so this girl penetrated the scythe in the student's mouth and cut his mouth from ear to ear.
This girl became known as "Slit-Mouthed Woman" (口ざけ女, Kuchisake Onna)
- Am I pretty?
This girl was wearing a mask on her mouth and appeared to be pretty, so the boy replied:
- Yes, you are pretty
Then the girl took off her mask and said:
- Even so!
The girl behind the mask hid a huge mouth from ear to ear, and took out a sickle that she hid inside her coat. The boy was startled and tried to run away, but she was running with an impressive speed that caught up with him quickly. He was terrified, so this girl penetrated the scythe in the student's mouth and cut his mouth from ear to ear.
This girl became known as "Slit-Mouthed Woman" (口ざけ女, Kuchisake Onna)
One night a boy was leaving his school when he heard a noise behind him. When he turned to look for the source of the noise he came across a beautiful girl in a window. The girl had her arms resting on the window sill and was looking at him.
The boy wondered why a girl would be in a boys' college at that time. Then he asked her what she was doing there.
The girl realized that he saw her, smiled and jumped out of the window. The horrified boy went to see if she was all right.
When he found her, the girl was crawling, but the lower half of her body was missing.
She started towards him, clutching the ground, and banging her elbows making a tek-tek-tek-tek sound. He tried to run, but he was frozen with fear. And in an instant, she pulled out a scythe and snapped him in half.
The boy wondered why a girl would be in a boys' college at that time. Then he asked her what she was doing there.
The girl realized that he saw her, smiled and jumped out of the window. The horrified boy went to see if she was all right.
When he found her, the girl was crawling, but the lower half of her body was missing.
She started towards him, clutching the ground, and banging her elbows making a tek-tek-tek-tek sound. He tried to run, but he was frozen with fear. And in an instant, she pulled out a scythe and snapped him in half.

The Japanese Doll
It is very common in Japan to find oriental dolls inside aquariums. They are wishing dolls, the person buys it and makes a wish, and as soon as the wish comes true, they have to throw the doll away. So far so good, the problem is that it says that the doll's hair grows by itself, it can change position inside the aquarium and several other supernatural things.
Traffic sign: "Other Risks
The true meaning of this "Other Risks" road sign is still a mystery. It is located in alternative places such as streets where there is a curve or places where there is a dead-end street. But there is a legend that this sign indicates places where there are cases of apparitions, because in the rare places where this sign is indicated there have been reports of people who have seen spirits.