Storyboard | Concept Art | Character Design | Animation | Post pro | Graphic Design
Storyboard | Concept Art | Director | Animation | Editing: Ronni Massashi Guiotoko
Orientation: Milton Koji Nakata
Illustration: Ronni Massashi Guiotoko, Alberto Ribeiro, Anderson Saito, Caio Martins, Willian Gerbi
Scenary: Alberto Ribeiro
Sound: Pedro Nami

Course Conclusion Project of the Graphic Design course of UNESP (São Paulo State University).
Somewhere in Japan, an ordinary businessman was returning from work and boarded the train as usual. The businessman believed that the train was empty, but soon he discovers that there were other passengers that he believed only existed in our imaginations.
Somewhere in Japan, an ordinary businessman was returning from work and boarded the train as usual. The businessman believed that the train was empty, but soon he discovers that there were other passengers that he believed only existed in our imaginations.
"The Passenger" tells the story of an "common" businessman who boarded a train that was carrying legendary and shadowy creatures, such as ghosts, youkais (creatures from Japanese folklore) and characters from Japanese urban legends. The poor businessman believed that he had boarded a wrong train, but at the end of the story, he discovers a truth that will completely change his "life".
Concept Arts

Year: 2014
Time: 3`51”
Production: Jun/2013 – Jan/2014
Time: 3`51”
Production: Jun/2013 – Jan/2014
ToonBoom Animate
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe AfterEects
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe AfterEects